Choosing a new auto insurance company is far from fun, particularly if you have a few blemishes on your driving record or a tight budget. It can feel downright impossible to find what you need for a price you can afford. It is not!
With the sweet warmth of spring months come happiness, joy, and smiles for the whole family. Unfortunately, the change in weather also means that bugs start gearing up to invade your home.
It’s not uncommon for the beginning of the year to be rough for many of us. We’re all trying to stay on top of our New Year’s resolutions, stressing over Valentine’s Day, and being anxious about tax season.
Car accidents happen when we least expect them, which means the element of surprise can sometimes lead to poor choices. While not every accident is deadly or serious, it can potentially come with a few headaches. Of course, these headaches can grow exponentially if we make the wrong decision.
Once again the old year is a thing of the past and the entirety of 2019 stands before us. For many this means an opportunity to make some changes in the way we live our life, the way we treat our bodies, and our general outlook.
Cute, awe-inspiring and downright bizarre, here’s a collection of the stranger stories being reported around California in recent months.
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