You know you need car insurance in California. If that is all you know, you certainly are not alone. Many drivers don’t know any more than that, like how their rate is determined, how insurance really works……..
Who wants to pay more for auto insurance than they have to? No one! Yet, it can feel so difficult to find the coverage you need at a price you are happy with.
You may think that getting car insurance is like going to the store to buy milk. You bring your gallon to the cashier, you pay your money, and you have what you wanted.
They’re the words no one wants to hear from an insurance agent, “We can no longer provide coverage for your vehicle.” At least if you have insurance through Windhaven Insurance Company…
Are you happy with the price you pay for your car insurance coverage? Do you even know why you pay what you do? You probably already know that not everyone pays the same price for car insurance.
Pronto Insurance has just released our newest way to best serve you: our mobile app. Available in English and Spanish, through our new mobile app Texas drivers like you can……
Find out in this blog about what factors may affect the increase of your auto insurance rate after an accident or filing a claim with your insurance carrier.