All About Life Insurance Lapses


Life insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides security and peace of mind to individuals and their families. However, maintaining your life insurance policy is just as important as having one in the first place. In this blog, we’ll delve into life insurance lapses, exploring what they are, what happens when life insurance lapses, the existence of grace periods, and the possibility of reinstating lapsed policies.

What Is a Life Insurance Lapse?

A life insurance lapse occurs when the policyholder fails to pay the required premiums to keep the life insurance policy in force. In other words, it’s the termination of your life insurance coverage due to non-payment. Lapses can happen for various reasons, including financial difficulties, oversight, or a change in priorities.

What Happens When Life Insurance Lapses?

When a life insurance policy lapses, the consequences can be significant and vary depending on the type of policy and its terms. Here’s what typically happens when life insurance lapses:

  1. Coverage Ends: The primary outcome of a lapse is that your life insurance coverage terminates. This means your beneficiaries will not receive the death benefit if you pass away during the lapse.
  2. Loss of Premiums Paid: You lose all the premiums you’ve paid into the policy up to that point. These payments go to waste once the policy lapses.
  3. Potential Tax Consequences: Depending on your specific policy, a lapse can lead to tax consequences. If your policy has cash value, you might owe taxes on any gains that were not previously taxed.
  4. Reapplication: If you wish to reinstate coverage, you may need to go through the underwriting process again, which can result in higher premiums due to changes in your health or age.

Is There a Grace Period for a Life Insurance Policy to Lapse?


Many life insurance policies offer a grace period, a specified timeframe after a premium due date, during which the policy remains in force even if the premium is unpaid. The grace period typically lasts 30 days but can vary by policy. You can pay the overdue premium during this period, and the coverage will continue without interruption.

However, checking your policy documents for the exact grace period details is crucial, as it can differ among insurance providers and policy types.

Can Lapsed Insurance Be Reinstated?

Sometimes, lapsed life insurance policies can be reinstated, but the process varies depending on the insurance company and the policy type. To reinstate a lapsed policy, you may need to:

  • Pay any overdue premiums.
  • Meet specific health and age requirements.
  • Provide evidence of insurability, which may involve a medical examination.
  • Pay any interest or fees associated with the lapse.

Reinstating a policy can be more cost-effective than applying for a new one, especially if your health has deteriorated since the initial policy issuance.

Work with Pronto

At Pronto Insurance, we understand the importance of life insurance and the consequences of lapses. We are committed to helping our clients navigate the complexities of life insurance and ensuring they have the coverage they need to protect their families and financial futures.

Life insurance is a valuable tool for providing your loved ones security and peace of mind. Don’t let a lapse jeopardize the protection you’ve put in place. If you have questions about your life insurance policy or need assistance reinstating a lapsed policy, don’t hesitate to contact Pronto Insurance. We are here to help you make informed decisions and secure the coverage you deserve.

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