Sure, you need to have auto insurance to be able to legally drive in California. It is more than that though, you need your auto insurance to help you out in the event of a crash or other loss, and you need to be able to afford it! The type of coverage someone needs and wants, including how much they are willing to pay each month in premiums, is different than someone else. That is why Pronto Insurance offers flexible auto coverage options for California drivers.
When you get your coverage through Pronto Insurance, you can customize your policy with the option to choose between our policy packages, a one, three, or six month term, additional liability options, Collision & OTC, Personal Injury Protection, Road-side Assistance and much more.
- Auto Liability
- Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) Coverage
- Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage
- Roadside Assistance (available for 6 month policies)
- Auto Physical Damage Policy
- Collision Coverage
- Comprehensive Coverage (or OTC)
- Rental Coverage
- Towing Coverage
- Custom Equipment
- Non Owner’s Liability Policy
- SR 22 (available for 6 month policies)
This is only the beginning! Whatever your specific needs are, we can meet them. Say goodbye to expensive auto insurance that costs too much each month and still doesn’t cover your damages when you need it to. Pronto Insurance makes that a thing of the past! Through us, you’ll be able to cover everything you need and nothing you don’t- all for a monthly premium price that you can actually afford. Make today the day you switch to a better auto insurance policy, through Pronto Insurance.